Olivier Leflaive


Olivier Leflaive

At Castle Wines we provide a limited stock of wines we have fallen in love with. Wines that should be loved by everyone. Wines to share with you. Wines. We can't get enough of it.
We vinify and age the equivalent of 120 hectares of vines (including 17 of our own), the majority of which are white wines from the three prestigious Côte de Beaune villages of Puligny-Montrachet, Chassagne-Montrachet and Meursault, as well as from Chablis and the Côte Chalonnaise. Les vignes Puligny-Montrachet Our daily mission is to produce top quality grapes. This involves a sustainable approach to working the vines, and also supporting our partner winegrowers in cultivating their plots using an organic or biodynamic approach. We have not any organic certification as we don’t hesitate to use chemical treatment if it’s really necessary.
The nègoce Business
Grappe Raisin BourgogneMoving towards buying 100% grapes & must When Olivier began, a large part of his purchases were of wine because he didn’t have the necessary equipment to buy in grapes or must (non-fermented grape juice). Gradually, this proportion decreased and today, some 95% of purchases are of grapes and must, signifying better control over the process. The aim is to continually improve the quality through prudent investment in the production apparatus. Regular monitoring of the vines Franck, Bertrand and the other members of the technical team carry out regular visits to the vines under contract throughout the year, accompanied by underwriters and winemakers. These occasions offer the perfect opportunity for discussion.
Vendanges Olivier LeflaiveManual harvests for our suppliers Our own teams of pickers manually harvest a large part of our partners’ vines (40 hectares). Grapes from a further 20 hectares are delivered to us and the remainder comes as must direct from the press. THE ESTATE For many years, Olivier and Patrick have wanted to grow the estate, and taking over the family legacy of the Domaine Leflaive seemed like a natural development in their shared adventure. Having been director of the estate with his uncle Vincent and then his cousin Anne-Claude from 1982 to 1994, it was important to Olivier to be able to share his vision of these prestigious appellations. Chevaliers-Montrachet The vines grow on terroirs whose reputations speak for themselves.
They include Chevalier-Montrachet, Bâtard-Montrachet, Les Folatières and Les Pucelles in Puligny-Montrachet, and Blagny Sous le Dos d’Ane in Meursault; great names that evoke great moments. Historic properties of the Domaine Leflaive, the vines have been cultivated according to biodynamic principles for over 20 years. This philosophy is continued to this day.
The philosophy of Olivier Leflaive
Managing every link in the chain The philosophy of Olivier Leflaive is to produce simply great wines. There are no secrets to this – everything starts in the vines with good grapes. Olivier, Franck and their team are lucky to have strong relationships with some of the best winegrowers on the Côte, people who grow their vines with care and attention. Futs Chêne Bourgogne Although the quality of the harvest is key, vinification and ageing also play a major role in bringing out the essence of each appellation. Franck Grux and Philippe Grillet make it their daily task to ensure the quality of the wines and respect for the terroir. As such, the estate’s approach is to treat each cuvée individually.
Vignes Puligny-Montrachet Careful acquisitions In a similar way, Olivier has continued to expand his estate since its creation. Running the business means guaranteeing maximum control over the vines. Today, the estate covers some 17 hectares, and is the result of carefully-managed acquisitions over the years. Solid teamwork The work of the team reflects the company’s family spirit. A solid core of people have been part of this adventure for many years, which ensures a rigorous approach and constant quest for improvement.


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